Tuesday, April 17, 2012

BOC - Film Festival

This is my movie for the Film Contest assignment. It has two characters who are aliens in the sewers talking about their experiments with humans. One of the aliens takes it too far and talks about earning his street credit by “putting a cap in a homeless man”. This freaks the other alien out, but the one admits it was a joke and he got it from watching too much Law and Order.

I chose this setting and characters from the idea of where would aliens hid in such a populated area such as Compton. In a town of that size they would be forced to hide in a remote area such as a sewer. I felt like it was the most appropriate out of all the settings offered.

They choices in voices were one of the easiest. Bald little aliens, in my opinion, would have higher pitch voices. So the commanding alien I went with a little boy’s voice. For the “Street” alien I went with the hip-hop voice to add to his confusion.

I decided to pick out some of my own movements for the characters. A lot of them were in reaction of the “Street” alien and preformed by the commanding alien. I chose camera shots in such a way to highlight close ups when saying certain lines.

The basis of the story started out as an idea of how media today would make an alien react if it watched it. We always talk about how it corrupts or shapes our children, so I wondered what it would do to a species that doesn’t belong on earth. Would they believe it and do things, dumb thing, like some humans do? Or would they see it as one big joke?
Oh and to put in a current topic I added in the bit about Tupac for fun. Getting the voices to get close to saying Tupac was the hardest part.

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